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The Blog/New Dads/Sensory integration for your baby development

Friday, April 21, 2023

Sensory integration for your baby development

Support your baby's sensory development with practical tips for sensory exploration.

Did you know that babies are constantly learning about the world around them by using their senses? This is called sensory integration, and itā€™s a very important process for your babyā€™s development.

Sensory integration involves taking in information through our senses (like touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing), interpreting and organizing it, and then using it to function. This process starts in the womb and continues throughout our lives.

When babies interact with their surroundings (like being held, fed, talked to, massaged, or being outside), their senses learn to work together. Over time, they develop the essential skill of filtering sensory input so they can focus on certain things while ignoring others.

As a dad, you can support your baby's sensory development by giving them lots of tummy time ā€“. This helps your baby to develop their neck, back, and arm muscles, and gives them opportunities to explore their surroundings from a different perspective.

You can also expose your baby to a variety of sensory information by doing sensory activities together. Here are some ideas:

1. Touch:

Make a sensory bin by filling a container with different materials like rice, beans, or pasta. Let your baby touch and explore the different textures.

2. Smell:

Introduce your baby to different scents, like herbs, spices, and flowers.

3. Taste:

Offer your baby a variety of foods with different tastes and textures. Let them explore the food with their mouth and hands.

4. Sight:

Create a baby-friendly art studio by putting down a large sheet of paper and letting your baby experiment with finger painting.

5. Hearing:

Play different types of music for your baby, or let them experiment with different noise-making toys.

Remember, sensory integration is an important part of your babyā€™s development. By giving your baby plenty of opportunities to explore their surroundings, you can help them grow into happy and healthy kids!

Lamar Andrews
Daddy Prep
Dads built different

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